Sep 26 16 - 00:00
The recent and rapid collapse of oil prices from $100+ to less than $50 per barrel has created a challenging environment for all companies in the energy sector. However, oil and gas operators are taking the fall in oil prices as an opportunity to manage their assets more closely and further extend their life cycle thus delaying replacement of machinery and maintaining profits. The 11th edition of this industry-renowned series will be entirely dedicated to determining the most economical and cost-effective solutions for operators to ensure that risks to asset integrity arising from ageing and life extension are adequately controlled through robust asset integrity management programmes.
The recent and rapid collapse of oil prices from $100+ to less than $50 per barrel has created a challenging environment for all companies in the energy sector. However, oil and gas operators are taking the fall in oil prices as an opportunity to manage their assets more closely and further extend their life cycle thus delaying replacement of machinery and maintaining profits. The 11th edition of this industry-renowned series will be entirely dedicated to determining the most economical and cost-effective solutions for operators to ensure that risks to asset integrity arising from ageing and life extension are adequately controlled through robust asset integrity management programmes.