Jun 2 20 - 00:00
Sheraton Imperial Hotel
Jalan Sultan Ismail
Kuala Lumpur
Asia Pacific’s leading Offshore Well Intervention conference is returning to Kuala Lumpur for its 6th year in June 2019, with support from key industry players such as Petronas MPM, SAKA Energi, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Medco Energi, Sarawak Shell Berhad and Repsol Oil & Gas Malaysia Limited. More than 250 senior level delegates, including 30%+ operator representatives, will be gathering to participate in OWI APAC 2020, which takes place on 2nd and 3rd June 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Over the two-day conference, 30 expert speakers will share exclusive insight to help drive well work efficiencies through innovative LWI and P&A technologies combined with new operator best practice including new features such as: NEW- Well Intervention in Indonesia: With intervention activity in Indonesia rapidly increasing, OWI APAC will outline the movement in this region in 2020 and beyond, with exclusive case studies from Premier Oil Natuna Sea BV, PT SAKA Energi Indoneisa and MedcoEnergi. NEW- Well Intervention Technology Pitches: Our premium exhibitors sharing exclusive 10 minute pitches, highlight technology innovation, safety improvements and best in class intervention solutions to drive efficiencies through your wells campaign NEW – Digitalization for Wells Management Workshop: Whilst this is a new topic discussion within Asia, many operators are considering adopting this practice. This workshop provides understanding and reassurance that implementing new digital systems can result in more cost effective and efficient well intervention and integrity processes. PLUS - Innovative Technology Showcase Hall: Bigger than ever before, the technology showcase hall will foster an interactive and engaged atmosphere, providing an unrivalled and targeted networking opportunity to discover exciting new innovative solutions. To register or for speaking or sponsorship enquiries contact Erin Smith on esmith@offsnet.com or +44 (0) 203 409 3042 Register Here: Full price $1795 (Book before 27nd March to receive $600 discount)
Sheraton Imperial Hotel
Jalan Sultan Ismail
Kuala Lumpur
Asia Pacific’s leading Offshore Well Intervention conference is returning to Kuala Lumpur for its 6th year in June 2019, with support from key industry players such as Petronas MPM, SAKA Energi, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Medco Energi, Sarawak Shell Berhad and Repsol Oil & Gas Malaysia Limited. More than 250 senior level delegates, including 30%+ operator representatives, will be gathering to participate in OWI APAC 2020, which takes place on 2nd and 3rd June 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Over the two-day conference, 30 expert speakers will share exclusive insight to help drive well work efficiencies through innovative LWI and P&A technologies combined with new operator best practice including new features such as: NEW- Well Intervention in Indonesia: With intervention activity in Indonesia rapidly increasing, OWI APAC will outline the movement in this region in 2020 and beyond, with exclusive case studies from Premier Oil Natuna Sea BV, PT SAKA Energi Indoneisa and MedcoEnergi. NEW- Well Intervention Technology Pitches: Our premium exhibitors sharing exclusive 10 minute pitches, highlight technology innovation, safety improvements and best in class intervention solutions to drive efficiencies through your wells campaign NEW – Digitalization for Wells Management Workshop: Whilst this is a new topic discussion within Asia, many operators are considering adopting this practice. This workshop provides understanding and reassurance that implementing new digital systems can result in more cost effective and efficient well intervention and integrity processes. PLUS - Innovative Technology Showcase Hall: Bigger than ever before, the technology showcase hall will foster an interactive and engaged atmosphere, providing an unrivalled and targeted networking opportunity to discover exciting new innovative solutions. To register or for speaking or sponsorship enquiries contact Erin Smith on esmith@offsnet.com or +44 (0) 203 409 3042 Register Here: Full price $1795 (Book before 27nd March to receive $600 discount)