Aug 22 17 - 00:00
Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC)
Exhibition Ave, Bridge of Don,
This technology showcase event will focus on how technology can help unlock these future oil and gas developments in the upcoming 30th Offshore Licensing Round. The event will bring operators, prospective investors and technology developers together and will cover technology areas that are critical for the economic development of marginal fields, including seismic, well construction, subsea tie-backs, and efficient standalone facility concepts. The agenda will include presentations by the OGA on acreage and opportunities available in the licensing round, by the OGTC on support available to technology development, and slots for technology providers to showcase technologies to assist in exploration and development.
Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC)
Exhibition Ave, Bridge of Don,
This technology showcase event will focus on how technology can help unlock these future oil and gas developments in the upcoming 30th Offshore Licensing Round. The event will bring operators, prospective investors and technology developers together and will cover technology areas that are critical for the economic development of marginal fields, including seismic, well construction, subsea tie-backs, and efficient standalone facility concepts. The agenda will include presentations by the OGA on acreage and opportunities available in the licensing round, by the OGTC on support available to technology development, and slots for technology providers to showcase technologies to assist in exploration and development.